Product and services / Electronic monitoring / MarineView


Electronic monitoring

Integrated oceanographic solution for efficient and sustainable fishing. You can visualize on one screen, oceanographic information along with the buoy data of Marine Instruments buoys M3i, M3i+ .  That way, you will be able to analyse the conditions and identify the best areas for fishing. The solution also includes weekly recommendations of the best fishing areas by AZTI.

Thanks to its highly innovative, intuitive and dynamic design, you will save time and resources. Simplicity above all.

Also, you will save fuel by checking the future drift of the FADs and estimate the best area to deploy them in advance.


  • Weekly recommendations from  expert oceanographers from AZTI Technological Centre.
  • Automatic reception of oceanographic maps depending on the position of the boat. No need to request them.
  • Dynamic visualization of ocean currents with selection of depth range and multiple parameters of analysis.
  • Oceanographic information updated daily.
  • Innovative, dynamic and intuitive design.
  • Visualization of the future drift of the FADs and estimation of the best area for deployment.
  • Cost-effective communications.
  • User-configurable.
  • Total integration with  Marine Instruments MSB+ to:
    • Visualize the position, speed and course of the boat in real time
    • Reception of sounder, speed, course and drift of the buoys on the map.
    • Visualize historic data of the buoys
  • Service 24/7